Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007 first post

so the year 2007 has ushered in n by god grace its better than 2006.....
its said that d way u spen d first day of d year decied how d rest of d year is gona if it is so then i gues m gona spend this year struggle got get a GOOD mobile connection is realy bad......sleep heavy:)
this new year was d first time i wasnt round with family memebers.....n its felt kind a nice...not that i dnt enjoy der company...but being alone is DIVINE!!!

No new yars resolutions for me.......hardly keep any...n if i do happen to keep its gona reuin mi reputation......'Miss.LAZY ass'!!!

but i can assure u one thing this yer is gona b differnt....
have learnd a lot in d past years n i intend to put that knowledge to use......:)

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

1st blog

at last i have decided to get off my lazy ass and start writin my blog for no particular reason....just share some of my pearls of wisdom and get few..
and other than d sharing wisdom to just speak out......:D

Cheap Trick III: Up cycled Laptop Screen!

Design 2 So I had these laptop screens lying around, since like age. Never threw them away cause I had been postponing doing so...