Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It hurts me to hurt you,
the pleasure is so more than the pain..

Friday, July 20, 2012

Healing me Slowly.

can anything written somewhere in the past hurt you still
make you feel the pain like a fresh wound,
maybe it can if it was the truth,
and so i read it till today,
and everyday,
to remind myself of the truth.
read it till the pain goes away.
till all i feel after it is just numbness.

The first time in saw it all i felt was anger,
and outrage,
but now all that is gone,
its just pain.
there are many more i need courage to read .
I guess ill read it till,
the pain i feel is taken over by 
calmness & peace. 
a understanding that what has happened
has taught me something,
which i'll be able to learn only if
i can let the pain go. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Maybes : Scribbling from the past.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be
maybe this is where our journey ... our story has to end,
its not important to have a happy ending to everything,
Maybe this is among the ones which keeps everyone guessing,
 whats going to happen next,
I wanted to talk to him so badly yesterday,
I could not 
Maybe our story will fade away just like this slowly
and with pleasant memories.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I might not have the beautiful eyes your looking for,
or the slender legs your searching,

I might not have the curves
or the infectious smile that melts your heart,

I might not be beautiful,
or pretty

I might not be the perfect someone you want
But i'm still o.k with it
cause i know i love ME .

Cheap Trick III: Up cycled Laptop Screen!

Design 2 So I had these laptop screens lying around, since like age. Never threw them away cause I had been postponing doing so...