Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Love is the same,
the Lovers change,

The touch is the same,
the warmth has changed.
The voice is still the same
the love has changed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

your touch felt unknown and strange,
your embrace did not have the warmth it used to have ,
maybe it has been too long,
too long since i felt you,
too long since i left you,
maybe someone else has taken that place now.

i wished that you held my hand for once and make me feel the same way,
make my heart tickle,
make my lips smile,
without any reason or rhyme,
i wished that you took me in your arms again,
and hold me tight,
hold me close to you, 
so close that we would be one,
and never be two again. 

But all i could do was just stand there,
all these could be true,
as i saw you leave with someone else. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

you'll  burn to ashes to live again- anew, 
you'll fall to rise again-higher than before,
 you'll set, but only to come back with a blazing fury. 
you'll destroy everything,
the good ,the bad
reduce it to nothing
until the nothing becomes something new,
nor good neither bad.
but New
and that will be the beginning of

Friday, October 19, 2012

Embroideries on Felt

This is the first time was working on felt! it was fun! but the fact that i could not trace my designs made me go a little crazy.... 
never the less! 
here is what i did! 

Cluster of designs before they are put the finished good!

Designs 1

Design 2

The 'Behind' :P :P

The 'Front' :P

Design 3

Close up.

All of the designs are bascially experiments of different types of weave :-) 
and stitches,
the fun part was that i would design something on paper
but as i stitches i would change is along figuring out 
what would look or feel good! 

Hope you had fun! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I had long feared of getting hurt,
feared someone would break the trust,
break the faith i had ,
the fear so full in me 
that i pushed everyone away..
pushed everyone to a distance where no ones know the real me
no would know my truth,
my lies, trembling 
or my fear.
even though i laugh with them
they don't know what my eyes says,
they never know when i have lost the battle
and tear escapes my eyes.

The secret that they see i hide
are just fear i don't show.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Nothing in this world is permanent,
neither happiness ,
nor sorrow,
so be happy as long as you can,
and be happy when your sad,
cause know it won't last so long.
When your low,
hold your self together,
and just hang on,
cause the sunshine will be out soon
and then you'll be sorry 
you wasted your time
crying and cribbing,
rather than preparing yourself for the 
 better days.
Just hold on dear,
the sunshine will
embrace you
soon .

Thursday, October 4, 2012


So i started after a long long time. 

Just basic combinations of stem stitch,chain stitch and filling stitch.
Though looks pretty simple ( atleast to me :P :P )
i had to crack my head planning how to go about it,
since i wasn't using a template. 

some close up shots.

So what you think!! ?? 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

How far is the truth from reality,
if only one could tell,
i have very often tried to 
but as i went along trying to understand my vision became blurred,
or was it the difference,
so unclear. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

as i sit in the edge of my bed,
pondering about my life,
i feel like i am sitting at the edge of my existence,
and as i look down i can see the depth of my
at once it seems dark and deep,
fool of vicious being,
and as i see for longer,
i see there is nothings
nothing that i don't want or
 nothing that i can't change.
darkness i see is
my creation.
so will be the light 
that guides me. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

how long do i wait,
how long will you take to come,
everyone is asking about you,
when am i going to end the wait
but dear i know

when you come,
i'll have a hand to hold,
in times of difficulty and then i'll know we'll get through everything,
anything together,

when you come,
i'll have a hug,
even before the first tear drops, 
and i'll know that those tears will never fall,

when you come,
i'll have the kiss,
that makes my heart smile,
that makes my heart connect to yours.

So till then,
i'll wait for you right here,
patiently and lovingly
to give you my everything
to give you
all that i have. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Don't let worries cloud your eyes,
don't let it be the only thing you see in life,
cause they are not 
the end of life,
but the reason you become stronger in life
so if you have problems,
anything that make life seem not worth while,
remember once you tackle it well,
you'll see beyond it a colorful life,
maybe cause not- worries are no longer their,
but in your heart you'll know  'i'll handle it all well.'
So next time there are problem,
don't sit and think 
'why me Lord'
but sit and think
how do i get rid of this discord.

Monday, September 3, 2012

does it make any sense to ,
when i say i love you
i can't be with you.

do you feel my love
when i say i hate you...
when i say i don't want to 
see your face again.
a face that has filled my world
my heart 
and my mind,

how do i not see you again
when every where i see
is only you.

do you understand ,
when i say
i love you ,
that my heart crushes,
love you so much
that i get suffocated.

but i rather die suffocating in your love,
than live without it

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The moments gone,
the love has passed us,

once the love had engulfed us,
filled both of our lives with it,
we had filled our lives with each others,
but now
the moments gone,
the love had passed,
so has the ties we had between,
of friendship,
of companionship,
of a confident,
the moments gone,
we are just strangers to each other.

And now when i see you,
all i see is the face,
no hidden smile,
no hidden sorrow,
no hidden love,
and i wait for this moment 
to also  go. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

I wonder if I'll ever feel settled.
Maybe i'll not.
Why should i feel settled,
i don't belong to anyone
but everything and
everyone are my own.

A sense of settlement 
would just mean
accepting the 
and innumerable
of life
of the world;
you are better off without.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Love Entangles.

How hard is to understand 
the fact that the one person ,
you loved the most,
trusted the most
actually never in love with you,
all this while , all
that you saw was not,
his love for you,
your love for him,
your love which you wanted from him.

Every little thing seems endearing ,
not cause they are,
but only because in your heart,
in your world,
you want them to be,
cause your world is filled with just 
Love for him.
Not the love he has for you,
but only the love you
have for him.

Your love alone is the reason
 you are still in love. 
the only your love is the reason 
someone is in love with 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Slowly Slipping away.

I am scared there is no one who can hug me 
take my worries away.
The only person i have 
i want is far away from me
slowly going away from me.

I guess he'll not understand
I won't be able to explain it to him either.
how much i love him,
what he means to me,
How much
 I Miss Him.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It hurts me to hurt you,
the pleasure is so more than the pain..

Friday, July 20, 2012

Healing me Slowly.

can anything written somewhere in the past hurt you still
make you feel the pain like a fresh wound,
maybe it can if it was the truth,
and so i read it till today,
and everyday,
to remind myself of the truth.
read it till the pain goes away.
till all i feel after it is just numbness.

The first time in saw it all i felt was anger,
and outrage,
but now all that is gone,
its just pain.
there are many more i need courage to read .
I guess ill read it till,
the pain i feel is taken over by 
calmness & peace. 
a understanding that what has happened
has taught me something,
which i'll be able to learn only if
i can let the pain go. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Maybes : Scribbling from the past.

Maybe it wasn't meant to be
maybe this is where our journey ... our story has to end,
its not important to have a happy ending to everything,
Maybe this is among the ones which keeps everyone guessing,
 whats going to happen next,
I wanted to talk to him so badly yesterday,
I could not 
Maybe our story will fade away just like this slowly
and with pleasant memories.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I might not have the beautiful eyes your looking for,
or the slender legs your searching,

I might not have the curves
or the infectious smile that melts your heart,

I might not be beautiful,
or pretty

I might not be the perfect someone you want
But i'm still o.k with it
cause i know i love ME .

Monday, June 25, 2012

I Still want to be the same person for you,
the same girl you had left years ago,

I want to be naive...
'cause wisdom I have realized causes only more pain....
...naive like before.

I want my life to be back to
black and white and shades of grey,
'cause colour I have realized
don't make me happy.

The Girl you knew ,
knew to be happy truly even if life seemed grim,
grim maybe was for her,
but she knew how to
find happiness....
.....find that smile,that would make things all right.

Experience have had many,

I did learn alot,
but will knowledge help me bring back the moments that are gone.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cheap Tricks:Strings!

Things you'll need: 

# Thread
# This hair Comb

# Pearls
( you can use anything else)

# Random beads
These are beads from broken bracelet
broken anything basically

I have just tied the thread to the pin .
Simple basic knot and as you see the other end has a needle
for easy handling! 

Now the FUN begins,
just keep adding any thing you want on your strings,
beads, pearls, sequence ....
just make sure it doesn't get very heavy.

Here is my First Sting! 

Apart from beads and all
knot details also work well,

As you see i have incorporated and bright orange
along the way!!!  

This is the complete piece!

~You can add more stings.
~Keep it simple, sans anything!
~Extremely colorful!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Illustration Project #1

My first illustration of the project !

I have been following .zarnasrunway for quite some time now!
and since the day 1 i wanted to illustrate her.
her style is different 
( i know everyone thinks 'so is others' )
to be specific 
~ i liked her love for locally things,
even though her style is international i tell you! 
~ love for  7 " platform

i have used soft pastel and black sketch pen.

am not sure how far i have justified her through this illustration.
Take a look at the actual post here !

The ANZU exhibition.








Ellen McGrath.

I have always been found of anything illustrated, and this was the first time i had seen
a illustration dedicated solely to
which happens to another of my area of interest!
so i just had to share it.

For more: click here!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cheap Tricks: Project #1: Knot band!

These are very simple & easy to make....
its just a matter of a 'knot'

Things you'll need.

# Big Button

# Buttons. 
Preferably 2

# Elastic Threads
These are easily available in store.
I have only seen it in black & white.
but if you can get fancy sort, free to use.

#  Cheap Trick 1
All i have done is taken the elastic thread 
though the button hole 
and tied a knot. 

#  Cheap Trick 2
For smaller button i have used 2.
Run the elastic through the button hole
and tie a knot

# Cheap Trick 3
Here i have used 2 velvet balls.
( I love the Colour!!! )
again the same thing,
run the elastic through the velvet balls
and tie a knot.!!!

And here is how you use it.
Unlike the usual rubber band, in which
you have to twist and turn your hair around the rubber band,
this is easier to handle.
just collect your hair together, ( where you want to tie )
wrap the rubber band around the hair and
interlock the two end.
I hope the picture below explains better!!! 

This is easier to remove compared to other rubber bands ,

( my personal experience that is )

Cheap Trick III: Up cycled Laptop Screen!

Design 2 So I had these laptop screens lying around, since like age. Never threw them away cause I had been postponing doing so...