Friday, September 13, 2013

Sketch Journal #4

Flowers from our Garden.

Soft Pastel & Dry Pastel

life is like a river,
with its own flow,
have you ever heard the sound of waterfall in pure silence.
its a bliss.
life like a river has to keep flowing,
and with it flows everything in it,
the piece of someones life,
or a remissness of the past.
everything flows with it,
till they reach the destination
but the river flows on,
just like life goes on
the relations we carry with us....
we can't hold on to it against their will...
they remain till they remain.
How does one know love
till he has experienced,
how does one say ;
'i love you'
without knowing what it actually is

What we often call love is
physical attraction or emotional attachment.
or maybe just a habit of someone

is this what love is.
is this all what love is.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Saturday, September 7, 2013

If you ever have to give,
give only Love,
with Love
or else don't .

Sunday, September 1, 2013

if my Love were to be a ship sailing 
in the vast sea of hearts,
i would always keep it anchored to 
your heart.
and no matter if i sailed  too far ,
 or wondered too long,
it will always find its way
to yours.

Cheap Trick III: Up cycled Laptop Screen!

Design 2 So I had these laptop screens lying around, since like age. Never threw them away cause I had been postponing doing so...