Continuing with my previous post
on how to have a sustainable closet, in this post are few suggestions ways our clothes don't end up in the landfills and get a chance for second life!
1. Give it to your siblings.
As Indian I feel every family does this- give away clothes to the younger siblings in the family.
The first line of give away is usually your own siblings, i know mine has been!
and then comes cousins, who ever fits into it.
We have had this order for a long time in our family! I have clothes as old as 27-28 yrs old which my youngest cousins still wear and its such a joy to see them wear it.
2. Donate it to the people who come to work at your place.
I feel this also is a common practice in India. We usually give away our clothes- faded, small, slightly torn or just something we don't like, to the people who come to work at our places- them or their kids. Be it the house maid, sweeper, gardener or someone who comes to wash your car once in a while, cook just about anyone who you think could benefit from your (un)clothes.
Giving away our clothes to those in need, rather than just throwing it away is a much better option. Sometimes what we easily discard as unwearable can be something, someone desperately needs.
Giving away our clothes to those in need, rather than just throwing it away is a much better option. Sometimes what we easily discard as unwearable can be something, someone desperately needs.
3. Donate it to charitable institute near your home or in your city.
We can also find a number of orphanages, home for destitute etc who will happily accept your clothes. Please be responsible while donating your clothes to such institutes, as to not give clothes that are absolutely not in a wearable condition.
Our intention here is just not to get rid of any and every piece of clothes that you don't wear but also to be able to be helpful to someone in need.
or else we can also
4. Donate it here.
A wonderful initiative by startded by Evelyn Sharma. You can drop off all your excess cloths after washing it nicely and packing it at their drop off centers.
dream girl foundation
This foundation works for the under privileged and neglected girl child in India. Not only do they help out through the clothes that are donated but also work towards the betterment of the girl Child
Apart from clothes Goonj also accepts a number of second hand item that could be helpful to those in need.
clothes box foundation
Another option, where we can donate our used clothes.
Share at the Door Step
dream girl foundation
This foundation works for the under privileged and neglected girl child in India. Not only do they help out through the clothes that are donated but also work towards the betterment of the girl Child
Apart from clothes Goonj also accepts a number of second hand item that could be helpful to those in need.
clothes box foundation
Another option, where we can donate our used clothes.
Share at the Door Step
5.You can also sell them here.
The arrange a pick up once we get in touch with them, but they also do have pretty high standards as to what clothes they accept for re-sell
you can sell your pre-owned high end designer clothes here.

You can also read more on Sustainable Fashion in my previous posts
Here , here & here !

You can also read more on Sustainable Fashion in my previous posts
Here , here & here !
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