Monday, August 20, 2018

Cheap Tricks Series 3: Flower Vase 2

As a part of my Super Sunday Series,
This Sunday I decided to convert another of the fancy wine bottle that I had used in my first project, into one more flower vase,

The Wine bottle has a distinct shape and embossed pattern on it, which is inspiring at the same time creates a bit of difficulty to create something unique each time I use the Bottle.
Nevertheless, I have tried to create something different from the previous project.

Handpainted Flower Vase
My bottled garden.

Started off with a white base (changing the base would give it a different look, maybe next time)

Handpainted Flower Vase
The Step 1.

The entire bottle is painted in white. Once the bottle was smoothly covered in white, I let it dry overnight.

Word of ADVICE: Its better to Do such painting job outside in the open or in a larger space, cause the smell of the paint can be nauseating. 

Handpianted Flower Vase
Fully painted in white base.

Once the paint was nicely dried, the abundant colour of flowers, started to take shape.
This was the fun part, trying to form flowers out of the random embossing. I basically wanted it to look like a burst of colours, burst of colourful flowers. So picked up all the bright colours I had and just went crazy! 

Handpainted Flower Vase
Little Flowers start to grow.

After that, the garden slowly started developing and coming to life.

Handpainted Flower Vase
and its done!

Handpainted Flower Vase
Colourful flowers everywhere you see!

Handpainted Flower Vase
In all the eye-catching colours.

Handpainted Flower Vase
In Red and Pink

Handpainted Flower Vase
and Orange

Handpainted Flower Vase
Add caption

Handpainted Flower Vase
and this is the full piece.

Handpainted Flower Vase.

Am pretty happy with the way my bottled garden has come out, the colours definitely pop out, and unlike my previous bottle which had just 3 colours, this one has crazy colours.
Definitely different from the other one. 

You can find my previous project here.
Check it out, and lemme know what do you think of it.
Would love to hear from you guys 
any suggestions you have, or maybe any other projects you would like me to take up! 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

My 5 ways to Shopping Responsibly.

Hello Beautiful People! 
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

How do usually spend your weekend? Would like to hear all the crazy things you all do to de-stress on weekends after a crazy week?

Some might be planning to go shopping.
Shopping. for many, I know is a stress buster or something that makes us feel good. The power of a new dress or latest handbag to dramatically change our mood can't be denied. 
But when we are busy and very often impulsively shopping, just paying attention to a few things can change the way the fashion industry impacts the lives of millions. 

In my previous posts, I had discussed ethical Wardrobe and Sustainable Fashion.
Today let me share (what I know) about Shopping Ethically.

1. Quality over Quantity. 
Chose and demand for quality over quantity.
A garment is Cheap, either when it is made of a poor-quality material or the poor workers or artisans at the grassroots level, are getting underpaid, who dues to lack of knowledge and very often cause of need of employment do not even realize that they are getting underpaid or that they can demand more. Poorly stitched garments will last only 2-3 wears, and they end up in ever-growing landfills whereas when a dress is  Well stitched and made of good quality material it will last long, you can wear as long as you want or donate it. 
Look for quality over Quantity.

2. Go for classic trends. 
Classic styles will Never go out of Style. Invest in classic trends that don't go out of fashion, pieces that are well stitched with material that long-lasting. Owning such a piece in your wardrobe is like an investment. since they don't go out of style you don't have to worry about replacing it every year with a new one.
Shopping Responsibly
Choose classic styles.

3 Shop Local.
When we shop local, we are reducing the carbon footprint, by eliminating transportation involved.
We help in creating a livelihood for local artisans and giving them an opportunity to sustain a using their age-old skill and culture.
Which if not promoted, chances are might vanish.
Shopping Responsibly
Shop Local

4. Buy from an ethical shop.
Shops from stores that are transparent about their process,  It is not enough that the dress we buy has an international or popular brand name! , We from our end should see if the garment is made to last, made by workers who are paid fair wages under conditions that are safe. E-mail them, tweet or message them on their FB pages or insta pages, ask them.
Shopping Responsibly
Buy from Ethical Shop.

5. Shop Second Hand / Vintage Shops / Rent.
Buying secondhand clothes can help save a lot of resources that go into making new garments and also decrease the pressure that manufacturers put on their factory workers to keep producing one garment after the other at a rate faster than they can breathe! 
Some of the websites where you can buy pre-loved clothes in India are ElanicEtashee or Spoyl

Rent from FlyrobeSwishlistWrapdLiberent or The Clothing Rental

Shopping Responsibly
Shop Secondhand/ Rent.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cheap Tricks Series 2 : Flower Vase.

This is part of my Super Sunday Series on Instagram! 
Btw, have you guys checked out the feed yet?! 
Please do take a look, my handle is @rubieehdesigns ☺

Let me tell you about my Super Sunday Series.
So I have decided to make my Sundays super by doing upcycling projects.
 By doing some DIYs, recycling or repairing etc.
And for my very first project, I have this very beautiful wine bottles,
collected over the past year. 

Flower Vase
All waiting in line to get a make-over! 

                             I have been postponing on working on it ( am guilty of procrastinating a                                                             lot my work ☺️🌝)    for a long time.
                                                 But then, last Sunday seemed ideal to do
                      something about it. And here goes my first attempt, my first upcycled piece. 

I had a poll on Instagram asking you guys what to do with these bottles and almost everyone wanted it to be painted!

so Bottle No.1 
is here- 

Flower Vase.
Step 1: Paint the entire bottle with a white base. 

 Even though it was just a wine bottle the makers definitely took great care in designing the bottle, What I loved about this bottle was the beautiful embossed designs on it. Not only is the shape interesting but also the design on it- A big Thumbs up to them :-) 
And I wanted that embossed design to come out in however I decide to paint it.
So started off with a white base, white is always good and lately have taken fancy to it :-) 
Chances are you might find a lot of my work with a white base or background 😀

Flower Vase.
First coat of paint. Getting ready for a makeover! 

                            Once the base was painted I highlighted the flower pattern on
the embossed bottle and
give it a mosaic-like look of water around it and more of a water paint kind off effect than solid colors.


~tadaaaa ~ 

 Flower Vase.
The blue and green, I just love ❤❤

 Flower Vase.
Wine Bottle converted into Flower Vase.

Flower Vase.
Wine Bottle converted into a Flower Vase.

Cheap Trick III: Up cycled Laptop Screen!

Design 2 So I had these laptop screens lying around, since like age. Never threw them away cause I had been postponing doing so...